Ethics for the Peer Support Professional Training

Ethics for the Peer Support Professional

In-person or Virtual

Duration: 8 training hours
Cost: $85
Times: 9am-5:30pm

Learning Objectives:

  1. Provide understanding of key ethical concepts.

    • Explore foundational ethical principles relevant to the Peer Support Professional.

  2. Outline a model of ethical decision-making.

    • Equip Peer Support Professionals and their supervisors with a practical framework for ethical decision-making.

  3. Review and discuss cases of ethical issues from the Peer Support Professional field.

    • Engage in case studies to deepen understanding and foster discussions around real-world ethical challenges.

  4. The law and Peer Support Professionals.

    • Examine the legal considerations pertaining to the role and responsibilities of Peer Support Professionals.

  5. Provide a sample statement of ethical principles and guidelines for Peer Support Professionals.

    • Develop a comprehensive understanding of ethical principles and guidelines through a sample statement tailored for Peer Support Professionals.

Training Overview:

This 8-hour training is designed to enhance the ethical competence of Peer Support Professionals. The program delves into key ethical concepts, presents a model for ethical decision-making, and facilitates discussions around real-world cases from the field. Legal considerations specific to Peer Support Professionals will be explored, and participants will be provided with a sample statement outlining ethical principles and guidelines for their practice