James Gannon

Director of Programs

I exist as I am, that is enough
— Walt Whitman

James is a person in Active and Sustained Recovery from Alcohol and Opiates. His recovery journey began in 2012 and he has practiced abstinence since 2016. Because of his recovery, James is a father, a son, a brother, and a positive member of the communities throughout Colorado.  James is an active member of the outdoor community, a volunteer search and rescuer, and an avid backcountry snowboarder.  If James is not working on the solutions of recovery he is “Getting Lost to Get Found” adventuring throughout Colorado.  

James often shares that when he met Tonya Wheeler at Advocates for Recovery Colorado, he found a home and a recovery community of non-judgmental people that continuously offer positive support for long-term recovery. At AFR Colorado James started as a participant, became a volunteer, and was hired as a staff member in 2017. James attended Metropolitan State University of Denver for three years and majored in Human Services with a concentration on Addiction Studies and Nonprofit Administration. James has worked as a peer recovery coach at AFR Colorado and today his position is Director of Programs.  

James currently serves the Colorado recovery community throughout the state by sitting on Faces and Voices of Recovery Program and Outreach Committee, Colorado Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council (BHPAC), Colorado Providers Association (COPA) Certification Committee, along with constant work on 4 different opioid response groups throughout the regions of Colorado.  James uses his living experience to support and grow the communities of solutions throughout Colorado because this is a RecoverWE thing.

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