Recovery Support Services
AFRC Services for the Community
Peer recovery coaches walk side by side with individuals seeking recovery from substance use. They help people to create their own recovery plans, and develop their own recovery pathways.
Family support services provide community, resource navigation, and a pathway for those affected by a loved one’s substance use. Through one on one coaching, CRAFT groups, support meetings, and a community, individuals can begin their own healing.
Families and loved ones deserve recovery.
Fostering positive and transformative experiences throughout the healing journey. The AFRC Cultural Program provides a sense of unity to the community, emphasizing sensitivity and inclusivity.
Formando una experiencia positiva y transformada entre la jornada de sanación. El programa cultural de AFRC provee un sentido de unidad con la comunidad, con énfasis sobre inclusión y sensibilidad
Recovery Knows No Boundaries: WE ALL RECOVER.
Recovery does not mean that the fun stops, AFRC RecoverWE Social Events are designed to bring the communities of recovery together in a supportive community. Some past events include, BBQ, kickball, movie and game nights, hikes and other outdoor activities. So bring your recovery and ideas and volunteer to put on an event. The opposite of addiction is a connection, so come and connect.
These trainings are the first step towards joining the peer workforce in Colorado. The purpose of these trainings is to educate on the aspects of peer support and enhance individual skills to provide more effective support.
AFRC annual celebration of recovery in Civic Center Park in Downtown Denver, CO on the third Saturday every September (National Recovery Month). 2023 was the 22nd year that AFRC has hosted the Rally for Recovery, brining the communities and pathways of recovery together with live music, recovery awards, resource booths, and so much more.